
Product name Ovary
Cat. No. 0087000A
No. of samples 1
Description ovary, normal
Age/Sex : 34/F
Price 197 EUR
260 USD
170 GBP


Product Related Literature

As part of the female reproductive system of vertebrates, ovarian reproductive organs is a egg to produce is often found in pairs. Ovaries of female individuals, they are similar to the testis, in men is the endocrine glands and gonads. In white pearly (the country), ovary is located on the side wall of the pelvis in the region called the ovarian fossa. Typically, wells as being arranged in front of the internal iliac artery and ureter and below the external iliac artery. It is about 3 cm – 4 cm Size. In the fallopian tube, ovary but is not attached to the ovaries via the outer layer of the uterus, the connection. Typically, each ovary is the egg of the monthly release, but if there was a case one ovary was dysfunction or absence, other ovary would continue providing eggs to be released.

Ovaries have been removed testosterone estrogen, and progesterone. In women, it is produced in the adrenal glands and ovaries, fifty percent of testosterone were released directly into the bloodstream. For the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics of women in puberty, estrogen is responsible for the maintenance and maturation of the reproductive organs in the state functional of mature them. Progesterone prepares the uterus for breast feeding and pregnancy glanda. Progesterone with the function of estrogen by promoting changes in the menstrual cycle in the endometrium. In human ovaries, on both sides of the uterus are linked via an optical fiber cable ovaries called links, they are paired in the pelvic cavity. Was found in the abdominal cavity the ovary, but is associated with the wall of the body through the suspension ligament of ovary. It is known as the mesovarium to cover a wider range of uterus, ovaries the link. Therefore, to make (not to be confused with intraperitoneal) intraperitoneal organ by itself completely, is invaginated to peritonium, ovary is an organ of the human body only.

The ovaries are found including invertebrates, in the genitalia of female many animals that use sexual reproduction in some species. However, it is developed in a very different way in most vertebrates compared to vertebrates, they are not truly homologous. Many of the features found in the human ovary, I have common vertebrate, including the presence of follicle cells of all, and white film. However, amphibians and fish, and millions of people, the fertilized egg or several hundred present in the ovary at any given point in time because there may be many kinds, much of eggs during their lifetime than humans Get the big number. In these species, fresh eggs, can be the development of fetal epithelium throughout life. The cartilaginous fish some, in other species, remnants of follicles were absorbed from the ovaries rapidly corpus luteum, and found in mammals. In monotremes birds, reptiles and, relatively, filling of large follicles, and eggs is a curved shape of ovarian maturation.

Reptiles and amphibians not the ovary brain, central ovary is a space filled hollow, lymph fluid. It is often hollow ovarian fish, but in this case, eggs are shed into the cavity seen in the fallopian tube. Vertebrates normal most women, has two ovaries, but this is not the case at all. The platypus and most birds, right ovary to be functioning only left, never to mature. (The exception, both ovaries are left, are not part and kiwi,. Including all the birds of prey) in the plate gills kind of some, right ovary only has fully developed. Some bony fish that have been formed by the merger of a pair organ in embryonic and jawless fish primitive, only in ovary,.

Cryopreservation of ovarian tissue which is referred to as being threatened by the reproductive potential cancer treatment in breast cancer and hematological malignancies or, for example, is interested in women cryopreservation of ovarian tissue is want to keep the reproductive function of their beyond the natural limits often ,. The procedure, until they can proceed, is to take part of the ovary before you stored in liquid nitrogen and freeze continue gradually. Where it is possible to take place, it begins to produce new eggs were thawed, the concept of normal transplanted near or different (where natural) mammary gland or eggs, (abdominal wall) organizations I can. I concluded that that collection of ovarian tissue is safe study of 60 procedures are displayed. In order to prevent graft rejection in ovarian tissue, it can be recovered later tissue when follicles that can be transplanted immunodeficient mice (SCID mice), mature developed.

As women age, they lead to menopause, a decrease in reproductive performance occurs. This decrease was associated with a decrease in the number of follicles. There, about 500 (about 0.05%) of ovulation, is present at birth in human ovarian, eggs about 1 million will be lost the rest. Decline of ovarian reserve, which appears to occur with increasing the speed and results and age to an almost complete depletion of about 52 years continuously. The birth rate decreased ovarian reserve age, there is a parallel increase in the error of meiosis and pregnancy failure in the concept of chromosomal abnormalities.

Effect is repaired much these women that suggest that to generate DNA damage in oocytes spontaneously undergo menopause prematurely, women with inherited mutations of the DNA repair gene BRCA1 is early inefficient which I have to lead the reproductive failure in. BRCA1 protein, plays an important role in the type of DNA repair called homologous recombination repair is a cellular process only known to be able to repair DNA double-strand breaks accurately. And Titus. The double-strand break DNA, which accumulate with age in humans and rats in the primary follicles was shown. The Primodial follicle, egg some intermediate body of meiosis (the previous period I) phase is included. It is a general process in eukaryotes formed from germ cells by cleavage propagation of the double-stranded DNA, meiosis is an adaptive potential for removing DNA damage in particular. (Please refer to the function and origin of meiosis and meiosis). Homologous recombination repair, promoted during meiosis in particular. And Titus. In addition, expression of the major four genes required for homologous recombination repair of double-strand break DNA (ATM and BRCA1, MRE11, RAD51,) is, that it decreases with increasing age of oocytes of mouse and human . They hypothesized that a decrease in efficiency of repair that plays an important role in the aging of the ovary with age repair of DNA double-strand breaks is essential to maintain the gold egg.