
Product name Duodenum
Cat. No. 0064300A
No. of samples 1
Description duodenum, normal
Age/Sex : 66/F
Price 197 EUR
260 USD
170 GBP


Product Related Literature

It is the first part of the small intestine in higher vertebrates most, including duodenum mammals, reptiles, birds. In fish, department of the small intestine, which can be used for duodenum and not in the vicinity of the colon and small intestine term forward is not clear. It may be a major site for absorption of duodenum, of iron in mammals. Ileum duodenum and jejunum, followed by a short portion of the small intestine where most chemical milling is performed. Is from the duodenum or the Latin duodenum extensor digitorum name “width 12 toes.” In humans, 25-38 cm which connects the stomach to the jejunum long (10-15 inches), duodenum, is about hollow tube joint. It begins with the duodenal bulb in the ligament of Treitz.

The duodenum, with the enzyme, is responsible mainly for the breakdown of food in the small intestine. Villi of the duodenum, was looking for a recognizable structure histologically appearance and rich green. Brunner glands found in the duodenum only mucus. It is composed of a very thin layer of cells that form the duodenal wall muscle layer mucosa. Duodenum is retroperitoneal almost completely. Is composed of three parts, it has a significance of its own each piece.

The duodenum, to adjust the rate of gastric emptying by the route of the hormone. The cholecystokinin and secretin, it is released from the epithelial cells of the duodenum in response to a stimulus in the fatty acid is present when it is released into the duodenum further decomposed gastric chyme and open pylorus. They cause liver and gallbladder to release the pancreas and bile to release digestive enzymes and bicarbonate salt such as lipase trypsin, amylase and duodenum as they are needed. The duodenum is divided into four parts for the purposes of illustration. The first three sections in the “C” curve line groove the head of the pancreas is located. (Covered by peritoneum) 2 cm only the first portion of the superior is removable – is 3 cm distal, is retroperitoneal first along with the rest of the duodenum.

Part of the second (descending order) of the duodenum begins bending duodenum excellent. Prior to the sharp turn inside the duodenum under bending, and passes down to the lower edge of the L3 vertebral body. Common bile duct and pancreatic duct, and enter the descending duodenum known together as (pancreatic duct or in the United States) hepatopancreatic duct for (known as ampoule of Vater) duodenal papilla most. Duodenal papilla minor, accessory pancreatic duct entrance to Santorini are also included, this part of the duodenum. Junction between the midgut and embryonic foregut is located under the main simply duodenal papilla. The duodenum, I have prepared the arterial blood from two different sources. The transition between sources of these, there is it to come out from the intestine intestine before.

Closest to (about major duodenal papilla that bile duct enters) second part of the duodenum – artery coat of its branches on pancreaticoduodenal artery and gastroduodenal artery. Of artery (middle intestine) so far artery membrane between the distal intestine is (SMA), the branch bottom duodenal artery, and supplies it to the section of the third and fourth. Since form anastomosis line (SMA and gastrointestinal artery respectively) SMA between pancreaticoduodenal artery and lower abdominal cavity and upper trunk, there is a possibility of collateral circulation here. Duodenal vein drainage follows the arteries. In the end, directly or indirectly, these veins are discharged into the portal system through the mesenteric vein and spleen.

Lymphatic vessels, please follow the artery in a retrograde fashion. Front lymphatic discharge position pancreatoduodenal lymph nodes along the pylorus (along the gastroduodenal artery) lymph node then high and low pancreatoduodenal artery. Rear lymphatics run in many of the mesenteric lymph nodes and pass the period of the pancreatic head. Efferent lymphatic from the duodenum lymph nodes, pass into the abdominal lymph nodes eventually.

In anatomy, gastroduodenal artery is a small blood vessels in the abdomen.
(Distal portion of the stomach), and provides blood directly to the proximal duodenum pylorus, (through the pancreatic duodenal artery many front and rear) head of the pancreas indirectly it. This is the most common hepatic artery from a common trunk of the abdominal cavity, but there are many variations of origin. It will lead to the first supraduodenal artery, the posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery is followed. When divided by (superior pancreaticoduodenal artery) anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery and right gastroepiploic artery, it is, in the end branch. These branches form a functional anastomosis with the pancreatic duodenal artery lower front and rear from the superior mesenteric artery. Please note that exact branch vessel gastroduoenal artery is variable. Normally, you can not branch of front wide pancreaticoduodenal artery and back, come to common stem rarely independently in this order.

Head of the pancreas is part of the pancreas to be supplied to the curvature of the duodenum, I flatten the priority (conventional). Other parts of the pancreas is the body and tail. The boundary line of the right and left, and overlaps the front to match the excellent part of the horizontal portion overlapping beneath the duodenum, the upper limit, sneak in ascending order and descending part of the duodenum, respectively.