
Product name Colon
Cat. No. 0067000A
No. of samples 1
Description colon, normal
Age/Sex : 60/M
Price 197 EUR
260 USD
170 GBP


Product Related Literature

The colon is the last part of the digestive system of vertebrates most. If you want to until it is eliminated from the body, to absorb water and salt from solid waste, they will occur where it is using the fermentation of unused material (mainly bacteria) plant. In contrast to the small intestine, colon, does not play an important role in the absorption of nutrients and food. However, large intestine does not absorb some fat-soluble vitamins water, and sodium. (Proximal colon refers to the transverse colon and ascending colon in general) S-shaped colon ascending colon, transverse colon, and descending colon: In mammals, the colon, has four sections. Anal canal colon, rectum and the cecum, colon before.
And behind it in the retroperitoneum or (intraperitoneal) and the location of the abdominal portion of the large intestine. They are to be secured to the village in general, retroperitoneal organ does not have full coverage of the peritoneum. Surrounded by the peritoneum completely organs in the abdominal cavity, and is therefore mobile. Rectal colon, ascending colon, and descending colon are intraperitoneal S-shaped colon cecum, appendix, and transverse colon, @ peritoneum. Because it affects the organs that can operations such as laparotomy such easy access to the inside, which is important. the colon of haustra colon, there is a small bag that is caused by vesicle formation give the appearance that segmented the. F. tapeworm runs the length of the colon. E. tapeworm because it is shorter than the small intestine, colon Nari has a tapeworm haustra formation between vesicles.

Arterial supply of the large intestine comes from the low branch mesenteric artery (IMA) superior mesenteric artery and (SMA). Flow between the two systems communicate via the “arterial limit” is parallel to the large intestine for its entire length. Able Historically, it is a variable vessel connecting the proximal SMA meandering mesenteric artery (of Witz), the proximal IMA arc or if Riolan that blocked the other hand, is that it is very important . However are considered, a recent study made in imaging technologies are improved, it has questioned the existence of the ship, some experts, for the removal of conditions from the medical literature future I’m called on. Affects the mesenteric vein over to connect the spleen to form veins lower hepatic portal vein poured into splenic vein usually arteries large and mesenteric veins, after venous drainage, liver it I go into. Lymphatic drainage of two thirds proximal rectum and the entire colon is, then the flow of para-aortic lymph nodes, the tank chyli. Rectum and anus of the other lymph is, you can either follow the same route, and to drain the superficial inguinal lymph nodes and internal iliac. Only rough, comb line marks this transition.

It is part of the four parts of the large intestine of the ascending colon. This first part of the colon a portion of the intestine such called the cecum, associated with the small intestine. Pass eight inches to about through the abdomen to transverse colon from the ascending colon. The primary function of one of the colon, is that to remove the other essential nutrients and water from the waste to be recycled back into the body. Said output of waste in the small intestine in the cecum, and then are migrated to the ascending colon, the recovery process will begin. Waste, is moved to the cross section of the large intestine by a process known as peristalsis.

It is from colon (large intestine from the end of the spleen) transverse colon, liver, spleen bending deflection. The connection will hang it by the broad band of tissue called the omentum transverse colon, stomach. And is attached to the rear portion of the mesentery of the abdominal wall is known as the transverse ligament on the rear side of the transverse colon. Coated in the peritoneum, therefore it, (not part of the colon just before and after) the transverse colon are mobile phones. To form the stool more generally, cancer forms, called (water removed) and colonic content becomes stronger. Two thirds close to the transverse colon, the third of the latter, is flooded downtown artery colic branch of the SMA while it is supplied by a branch of the IMA. “Turning point” between the blood supply of these two, is an area sensitive to ischemia represents the embryologic division between the hindgut and midgut.

there is a difference in the large intestine of organisms between different. The colon, it is possible to maintain the water balance, providing a space for the plants to absorb some vitamins such as vitamin C, using the fermentation, is responsible mainly for storage of wastewater reclamation. 90% of the water has reached the nutrients chyme, most at the time of this tube is absorbed by the body. At this stage, for example, sodium, magnesium, chloride and as part of the electrolyte (e.g. indigestible portion, amylose starch that is protected from the dietary fiber is significantly digestible carbohydrate digestion and the large left and eating food insoluble or soluble form or part). When the colon through chyme movement, most of the water remaining is removed, mixed with (known as intestinal flora) and slime bacteria porridge, it is converted to feces. Ascending colon preparation of fecal material in the form of a liquid. Then, move the muscles of the colon, forward aqueous waste, to absorb the excess water all gradually. Feces was solidified slowly to move along the descending colon them. In order to decompose a portion of the fibers to feed its own, and supplies in turn, as waste that is used in the lining cells of the colon, the bacteria will create propionic acid, butyric acid, acetic acid. No protein is not provided. In humans, in other animals, including primates and other monkeys with columns 10% larger undigested carbohydrates in proportion thereby probably become available, it is provided that allows a large part of the plant material in the manner more diet that is. Is an example of symbiosis, offers one day about a hundred calories for the body this [citation needed]. The colon and does not produce digestive enzymes – chemical digestion is completed in the small intestine before the chyme reaches the large intestine. PH in the colon varies between 7 and 5.5 (neutral weakly acidic).